


Depureco offers a comprehensive selection of industrial welding fume extractors, which include wheel-mounted vacuum cleaners featuring a 3-meter suction arm complete with a rotating bell and airflow regulator. Additionally, there is a specific range of vacuum cleaners designed for direct suction from welding operations, enabling the extraction of fumes right from the tip of the welding torch. To ensure maximum operator safety and long-term reliability, each model is furnished with top-quality fume filters.


Achieving efficient suction right at the source of welding fumes emitted from working torches, these vacuum cleaners offer effective extraction capabilities. They are equipped with remote control functionality, suction regulators, and the option to utilize an external fume hood for enhanced versatility.

Welding fumes extractors

Maximum protection for workers’ health

By extracting harmful gases and particles from the air, welding fume extractors safeguard workers against respiratory illnesses and health issues resulting from prolonged exposure to hazardous substances. This ensures a healthier and safer working environment for all.

Increased efficiency of the welding process​

By eliminating welding fumes and vapors, welding fume extractors enhance visibility and establish a cleaner work environment. This contributes to improved efficiency during the welding process and enhances the overall quality of the final product.

Reduction of maintenance costs

By eliminating welding fumes and vapors, welding fume extractors enhance visibility and establish a cleaner work environment. This contributes to improved efficiency during the welding process and enhances the overall quality of the final product.

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